Let's Beautify Your Garden Together!

Frequently asked questions

We have the ability to keep trees alive at our nursery year-round, so we are confident that in your environment — in-ground in a garden where roots are better protected than here in a nursery pot — you will have success any time of year.

Soil can be amended with a blended native/amending soil directly in the root ball zone extending 12”-16” beyond the root ball. This is plenty of space to allow for new root growth and acclimate to native soil before hitting a higher concentration of native soil. Just keep in mind that amending soil is also amending the native soil a little as well utilizing activated carbon compost and mulch around the tree well.

Yes, you can, but we must add life into it and that is done by incorporating activated carbon compost, worm castings and other organic materials that will host the soil microbial and bacterial colonies as well as our well known friends, the red wigglers.

No, no and no. I’m not sure how this rumor started but gravel is to plant life like kryptonite is to Superman. Gravel, pavers and fake grass are the worst type of ground cover surfaces you could have above your tree roots. The heat they radiate into the soil is too hot. If you can’t stand on it for more than 10 seconds in the summer, it’s too hot for tree roots to thrive. Additionally, these surfaces suffocate the roots preventing adequate aeration.

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We are passionate about creating flourishing oasis gardens in the desert.  Christopher is here to help you create the garden of your dreams!

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